Long Time, No Write :P

Hey, faithful readers. You've probably noticed it's been like 2 ½ weeks since my last post (It's not like anyone's updating their blogs either :P). Sorry for neglecting my awesome (?) blog, but I guess I've been busy. Okay, let's start off with a quick recap.

The next week after my last post, I had to face the final exams. In the past few years, when the finals loomed very, very near, I found myself turning into some kind of freakin' study-bot. The minute I get home, after a shower and snacks, I'd lock myself into my room and study, usually late into the night or, when there's something good on, I rest up by watching TV.

So yeah, I found myself doing just that this year too, but not as intense as in 5th/6th Grade, cuz I get off school a bit later than I'm used to and can't take a long nap. Heck, I even snuck in an hour of two playing Trauma Team on the Wii.

(Game Cover right there. For all you Trauma Center Fans, a MUST-PLAY!)

After tests were over, I felt confident that the results would turn out well. But school wasn't over just yet. We had a few days left to see each other, namely through class-meetings and farewell parties. I missed the first day, Friday, cuz I was supposed to go to the doctor to see if this continuous illness could get cured before it relapsed again. It got cancelled in the end, but I was feeling better so no harm done at spending a whole day at home :P.

The following Monday was a bit of a drag. 7F wasn't much for competing but oh well, we tried. So, I practically spent the whole day just wandering around with my BFF, Cindy (Love ya! :D). Then we hit the highlight and climax of the whole year: The Last Day of School.

Normally, the last day of school would be thrilling yet at the same time depressing. Sure, it's bye-bye to homework, tests, lectures and projects, but it also meant bye-bye friends :(

It was entertaining though, seeing the performances of Grade 9 (particularly the role of a certain tukang bakso in 9D's Romli and Juminten.) Ha, ha, ha.

But strangely enough, I felt simply adamant this year. I wasn't really all that saddened to see 7F go, even though I tried to hype myself up and get nostalgic, I just couldn't. Guess, I'm just fed up seeing you guys :P. Kidding aside, I look back on the days in 7F and cringe and smile and laugh and roll my eyes, and though I won't be tearing up over it, I will kind of miss it all.

The start of the year was rocky, but we pulled through in the end. Guess there's one left thing to say: GOOD RIDDANCE! (Alright, I'm joking again, and yeah I'm not that funny.) Seriously though:

"Thanks for a crazy year, guys. This year was a total learning process, and we've helped each other improve a lot. I know, we weren't the perfect class, but hey, not much in life is. I wish you all lots of luck in life."

:') I'm getting a bit teary-eyed for some reason now. It's probably the chili I just ate, but something tells me it's not.

Anywaaaaaay…. Yeah. It's over, my days as a 7th Grader. But my days as an 8th Grader is just around the corner, and I for one, will face it head on. Friday was Report Card day, and it was a bit… meh. Don't get me wrong, my grades were fine, I just don't like having to sit through a conversation between my (talkative) teacher and (even more talkative) mom (haha, peace. Still love you, guys! :D). The best thing though, was after that me and my mom celebrated at Harvest (yum!).

My past Weekend was fantastic, if not a bit awkward. Leaving the latter bit out, I had a blast with my family and realized how much these guys mean to me even though they're a bit dysfunctional. Ha, ha. We watched this:

Karate Kid @ Central Park Blitz. It was a cool movie (Jacket On, Jacket Off ahahaha), hilarious and touching, if not a little sadistic (seriously, Cheng is a machine *shudder*). It was a great way to kick off my holidays.

A Little Word of Congrats:

  1. To all 7th and 8th Graders at St. Laurensia JHS Congrats for passing this year. Wish u all the best in the next.
  2. To all 9th Graders, especially my brother Billy: Congrats on your Graduation. Keep Moving On, Best of Luck :)

That's it for now. Just got exciting (and TERRIFYING!) news. Must get to sleep now. OMG! See ya!


Sir Writes-A-Lot


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