Pretty pathetic title up there huh?
Let's just say, I've been having a pretty bad day, and tomorrow I'm afriad might not be all that better.
BAH! Whatahellamisayin? TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE GREAT, no matter how epic a FAIL today was. YES! I'm optimistic, really optimistic.
But, still, for the sake of my mental health, I guess I need to vent. Let out some steam before I blow.
So yeah. Today was a day I was dreading to go into. Why?
1) I knew the morning would go terribly wrong. My Public Speaking skills have failed me :(
2) I knew that someone would not be happy by the end of the day. Ultimately, I was right.
3) I knew that before the day even started that I would feel under-appreciated. I still do.
Nyaa... Sigh. HAHAHAHAHA! Bah .__.
Emotions are stabile right now, but they were flying all over the place the entire day. There's just one question on my mind now. Am I letting this go too quickly? I've always been told that I tend to be too nice for my own good. By just keeping quiet, am I just letting the trash pile up? Will this just let people continue on with their biased judgements, without me even standing up for myself?
But by opening my mouth will things even get any better? Or will it just add flames to the fire? It could end in ultimate resolution, but the spike of emotions and conflict that precedes it might not be even worth it. I've been there and here before. I know neither scenario is ideal, but I can't see either one as better.
When I thought of the words, "I'm a Failure", it took no hesitation for me to accept it. To accept the harsh criticism dished out by another. Honestly, I do feel like such a completely failure, I won't lie. I won't make excuses. I could blame everyone else but I haven't. I could've sulked all day, but I didn't.
And that is something, I can be proud of for myself. This trial of misconception and error has only strengthened me as a person.
Either way, I may be a failure today, but I can sure as hell be a SUCCESS tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.
--Karin Novelia
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