So... What Now?

I guess you've pretty much noticed how a bit melancholic my writing's have been getting. Don't worry though, things are finally starting to look up. Just think of all of these reflections as a platform for my self-improvement, not a sudden downfall into a spiraling pit emo-isticness (that even a word? XP) . So, the only thing on my mind is: What's next?

Quick list:
1) AYC after-plan is back on track. In fact, the few adjustments made to the plan seem more plausible and exciting than before. 28-11-10 is gonna be a blast, and I'm gonna put my English teaching skills to work :D
2) Well, last Friday was a total crazy yet super fun day. I now "hate" Yehezkiel Fulia. And I've realize how terrible gossip can spread like wildfire at my school. Oh well. Hahahaha. Oh, besides that, I've regained my confidence in my Public Speaking skills, in Listening and Speaking class. Thank you Mr Jarot for the awesome assignment. XD
3) My love-life may not be exactly going for the best, but it sure has made turn for the interesting.
4) I've been complimented and encouraged a lot lately. Just hearing 'thank you', is enough for me. That was just... Wow. :)
5) "Paranoia" is a word that now makes me laugh. XD
6) I've realized how much I've changed so recently. I've also realized that I've made so pretty good friends who will be there for me. I'm starting to open up.
7) Got a few tests but little homework for the coming week. Lebaran Holidays start THURSDAY! (y)!
8) Oh yeah, I sent the Times Bookstore Writing Competition Essay. Hope it works out!
9) Got another writing competition at Tunas Muda coming up too, though the topic doesn't really interest me, I'll try my best anyway.
10) Suddenly had a great new idea for a new story! Writing Fever looks like is gonna catch on fast! :)

Pretty much it. Hope to get a lot of things done.

Thanks for reading.

--Karin Novelia, New-Found Optimist


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