

Hello there. Thank you for taking another look at my blog. Though I don't think anyone gives a damn about my stupid blog. It's been nearly 2 months since my last post. And I guess for the sake of the people who might actually still check up on my blog I'll post again.

So you're probably wondering why I haven't been posting again lately. Well, let's just say not long since my last post, something happened that made me scared to start posting again. Let's just say, apparently, there's no such thing as "freedom of (written) speech".

I reread my post on my New Year's resolution and damn. It's sort of suffocating. When you get this grand picture of how you want things to be and you find building inside of you a burning fire that drives you, pushes you. A passion that essentially, gives you the will to live.

And seeing your plan's fall apart... there's no worse feeling.

So, yeah. I almost decided on giving up on this blog. Deleting it and every single written word. Because at one point, this seemed like far too much trouble in the first place.

But I realized today, that writing... it's my getaway car.

It's the only way I can truly express my emotions. Lay out my opinions. Call it pathetic, that I find myself so caught up in my own nerves that I can barely figure what to say when I talk to others, but at least I realize my own faults.

I'm trying to fix them, I assure you.

Writing is my microphone. Writing is how I speak. I believe in the power of words. I've seen time and time again what people have done with their writings. How they've changed lives with a simple pen and paper.

Though like I've stated before, to make sure what I write on this blog doesn't get me into trouble, I'm gonna be more careful with what I post. But rest assured, I'm back :)

-- Karin Novelia, Retracing Her Steps


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