How-To-Read This Blog


Things have been a little revamped on this blog of mine. If your a regular reader, thanks for taking another look. If you're new here, then you've come to the write place. (okay, that's a REALLY bad pun). Either way, hope you enjoy this new version of the Knight of Pen and Paper blog.

Yes, I know this new look doesn't stick with the title much, but the template's called "Book Tree" so, it kind of does in a stretch. Why is this called the "Knight of Pen and Paper"? Call it a sort of superhero name, I was given a long time ago. I like Knights and Writing. Get it now?

So, yeah, here on this blog there are a few sections. Bottom line is, all the posts here are my own written words. The "Home" page (not the one all the way at the top right corner. Came with the template, and don't really know how to take it off), is like the normal blog posts. About my day-to-day life, intriguing, at best.

The other tabs, are titles of my stories, fictional narratives. Since the other pages don't work on a blog-post format, I'm gonna improvise a bit. So, these stories will probably go on, as long as I find the time to update them. I'll post the next chapter on a blog post and have them tagged, with the title and "Short-Penned Stories".

On the pages, I'll just post the latest chapters. So, you can just click the tags to see the chronogically posted Stories. At the beginning at the page is also the Synopsis to the story, to give you the general idea of what it's about. Also, there's an "Author's Backstory" explaining why I wrote it in the first.

I know, they're boring. So you can skip those bits. I just felt obligated to write those, to help tell my story.

So anyways, you're probably bored reading this, so just go ahead and read my writings. Feel free to comment. Be as bluntfully honest as you can be. I mean it. I would be very grateful.



Anonymous said...

You can place general comments on the blog here, too.

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