Different Worlds

If you've seen the movie Interstellar, you would be well aware of how different planets can be completely different worlds. Each planet has it's unique topology and atmosphere. Even it's own gravity. And gravity is pretty powerful, mysterious force.
Basically, the force of gravity that acts upon a planet affects the speed at which it turns and orbits in space. And there's this theory, which is Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and this theory basically explains how things seem to move differently according to where you are or where you're observing something. This results in the 'time jumps' often ascribed to interstellar travel. An hour spent on one planet can equal to 7 years on Earth.
Science jargon aside, I can't help but use this to help me describe how I feel about being back home. Singapore and Jakarta really do feel like different worlds.
In Singapore, life seemed to move a bit more faster. Actually, a whole lot faster. I felt like I always had something to do, and so little time to do it, even on the weekends when I should, by right, not have much on my plate.
In Jakarta, time seems to slow down. It slows down to the point that I trick myself into thinking that I have all the time in the world to do the things that I want to do, and I end up 'procrastinating'. I put those quote marks because I guess you can't really procrastinate on things that can't be classified as work. Relaxing, can't be classified as 'work'.
I never saw Jakarta as 'my home planet'. It was always more like a rest stop. A stepping stone. I can't believe I'm saying this but Singapore is more my speed. I have the freedom to do what I want, and I don't have to worry about transportation, I can get to places on my own. And it feels nice, though I guess the price of that independence is you end up taking larger bites than you can normally chew.
Anyways, it's the last day of November. For now, I am figuring out how to make the best out of 2014, before it ends. December feels like it's going to be a big month. Lots of travelling, lot of adventures, and hopefully a lot of personal growth and self-improvement too.
Yeah, hopefully my ambitions come to fruition this time.
--Karin Novelia, Feeling A Bit Alien


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