Things I Am Grateful For

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is a list of things I am grateful for:

  1. My best bud Ben and all the highness that comes with him.
  2. The past 2 years of my life as a Secondary Student in Singapore, which has made me a better person.
  3. Ice cream.
  4. Pizza.
  5. All my wonderful scholar peeps and the epic moments we shared.
  6. That my family can finally afford a new house (old one's getting a bit cramped).
  7. My parents, who may not always get me, but I know will always support me.
  8. My little sister, who keeps me young.
  9. My big brother, who reminds me that I am never alone.
  10. Phoebe (who I am surprisingly missing so much rn) for making school life a little less boring
  11. Bastille, for always making good music.
  12. Lorde, for reminding me that even the most reserved people can put themselves out there and succeed.
  13. John Green, for writing my favorite books that remind me that even people older than you were teenagers, once upon a time.
  14. Someone who showed me that even though things between us will never go back to the way things used to be, the moments we shared left a mark, and will always be treasured heartfelt moments, regardless of whether or not we remain in each other's lives.
  15. Sushi.
  16. Cereal. All the types of cereal.
  17. Finally having friends who give enough of a shit about me to throw me birthday surprises.
  18. Connor Franta and all other Youtubers who make me smile, and inspire me to go after my own dreams.
  19. A certain someone, for teaching me that sometimes people will just not understand you. And that's okay.
  20. Another certain someone who always believed the best in me, even when I was at my worst.
  21. Taylor Swift for being Queen, making the best music, and for showing me that the haters really shouldn't matter
  22. Learning that moving on from something (or someone) means not just being able to push all the feelings aside and forgetting about it. You need to accept it and reconcile with the fact that whatever it is your missing is gone, or will never happen, and you need to move on sincerely, not grudgingly.
  23. And finally, I am thankful for me being able to still be a better person, even after getting hurt along the way.
Ah, ended on my dear friend, number 23. Perhaps not the most coherent list, but I like the way this just flowed out. 2014 has definitely been one for the history books, and I just can't believe the year is nearly over. 2014 was huge improvement from 2013, and let's hope that even better things are in store for me in the year 2015.

Meanwhile, while 2014 is still alive and kicking, I am going to make the best of this holiday and have lots of fun with it. You have my word on that :)


--Karin Novelia, Grateful for A Lot of Things (Good and Bad)


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