Nothing to Say (???)


So yeah. I'm falling behind on this blogging thing because I am horrible, lazy human being XD

Gaaaah what is life.

Anyways, I'm starting to think that this blogging every single day is a bit too much, especially since some days are just not so exciting. I've been sort of productive lately. I've caught up with Doctor Who and Once Upon A Time, been reading Time magazines and going out. It's been pretty nice but also not really interesting.

It's not that I didn't want to blog. These past few days I tried to sit down and blog, but at the end of an hour or so I still had a completely blank page staring back at me. And it's weird and frustrating, wanting to blog but finding yourself with nothing to say.

And this is a new feeling for me, because even at my most uninspired, I still had this urge to write and I would be able to push myself to write even though I was well aware that what I was churning out was crap.

I guess it's not really that I don't have anything to say, it's more like I don't see the point of saying these things or blogging about my day or just puking my thoughts. And when I do feel like I have something significant to say, I'm usually being a bit emo and brooding and I don't want all the posts on this blog to be sappy, slightly depressing, contemplating pieces, y'know?

One feeling that I do feel I should address, is this feeling of indifference to everything lately. I don't know why, but since I've been home, I feel like I am being very unproductive, mostly being the things I'm doing can in no way be classified as 'work' and I just feel like I am wasting my holiday away by just 'relaxing' which is the point of holidays really.

I have lost my movie-junkie, TV-show-binge-watching self and it's a bit disconcerting, because now I find sitting in front of a screen for a few hours, no matter how good the show or movie is, is very counter-productive and a huge waste of time. What. Is. Going. On.

I just called my love of watching cool shit a waste of time. And I'm not sure what one is supposed to do when you start seeing the things you love(d) doing in your spare time as wasteful.

I don't know.

Anyways, I'm gonna try to kick it into high gear tomorrow by getting up early and exercising (mostly to assuage my guilt for all the food I've been eating) and yeah, I might do a bunch of short posts, though I doubt they'd be chipper, per se. A bit serious, and reflective, but hopefully not depressing. Haha.

Planning on doing some reviews too, soon. I haven't done one in awhile. So yeah. Things to look forward to! Yay!

Cheers until the next post then.

--Karin Novelia, Struggling With The Words


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