Brights Lights and The Big City (#Blogmas: Day 28)

Today was our last day in D.C., so after waking up a bit earlier than usual, we checked out of the Hilton Hotel over in Washington and got into our rented Kia car, ready to drive back to NYC. I slept through most of the car ride, and before I knew, the low buildings that lined the highway suddenly gave way to taller buildings, and in the distant horizon of the bridge to Manhattan, I could see the skyline, dotted by skyscrapers clawing their way into the clouds. We entered the Holland Tunnel, which leads under the Hudson River, and after quite awhile in there, getting a bit caught up by traffic, we finally emerged into the city.

Street-view of the city from the car.


It got dark pretty quick, so I attempted
to showcase the nighttime feel of the city
We checked into our hotel, Radio City Apartments down in 49th Street. It was such an adorable little place, and really was more of an apartment than a hotel. We didn't have much of a view on the 4th floor but we did have a fridge, a microwave, a stove and it fully furnished with double-bedded bedroom, a living room sofa, and complimentary toiletries in the bathroom. The kitchen drawers were also stocked with bowls and plates and cutlery. It was small, but also spacious at the same time. If I ever did end up living alone in the city, I would want my apartment to be as cozy and snug as this room was. 
Then came the highlight of the night: walking through the streets of New York at night. We saw quite a lot of the city, we walked for hours, stopping by stores and just taking in the sights. New York truly is a different, more vibrant city at the night, and though I kinda disliked the crowd, it just gave me a unique sense of the city's hustle and bustle.
A shot of what I think is the Chrysler building,
all lit up in neon lights against the night sky.

Near Times Square (or Billboards, Billboards, Billboards)

Family shot at Times Square

The rents. Also it was so tricky trying to balance out the
camera setting so the people weren't blacked out and
the billboards weren't too bright on film.

Oh yes, Broadway baby! Sadly, we didn't manage
to get any tickets to a show, but seeing all the
theaters and local shows (I saw one that had Tavi Gevinson's
name on it. queen.) brought out my dreamer feels.

A decently lit shot of the city at night.

And have a random shot of these Line characters,
because the Line store is a thing and though
you might be skeptical, they actually carry some
pretty cool and merch. The power of marketing, people.
That's it for today's. Today's pics were pretty cool. I am so tired right now, but also happy and content and looking forward to the rest of this New York trip.
So stick around to see what new experiences I find.
'Till the next post then, dear imaginary audience :)
--Karin Novelia, Playing Taylor Swift's Welcome To New York On Repeat


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