Pancakes! (#Blogmas: Day 3)

I've had a pretty nice, relaxing day that revolved around one of my most favorite things: food!
I spent the morning making Banana Pancakes for my sister, and I swear, Banana Pancakes is God's gift to man. Like imagine pancakes, it all it's soft, buttery goodness made even sweeter by the wonderful taste of bananas. And they're not even hard to make! Like just make normal pancakes and add in some mashed bananas. Bam! BANANA PANCAKES!!
I also had sushi today, like lots of sushi. And if you're wondering why I am letting myself eat all this food, well let me tell you, dear reader, that it is not without compensation. I spent the morning exercising, following that Pop Pilates Beginner's Calendar, but not only did I do today's workout videos, I was feeling ambitious and decided to do yesterday's routine that I missed. There is probably a good reason why Cassey Ho divided the workouts into two separate days like she did, and I guess I will not find out why, at least until my abs start hurting tomorrow XD
So yeah. What else...?
Oh, yes. Writing. Can't forget to update you on my writing now, can I? *nervous laughter*
I actually did not get any writing done today (sue me). But I make decent progress on Fire Emblem: Awakening. If you have no idea that I am a bit of a gamer, it might sound odd that I am playing what is one of the best 3DS games to come out, and the best installment of the Fire Emblem series so far. Fire Emblem is a turn-based strategy RPG game that hooked me from the first game simply because of one its clever gameplay mechanism: a unit that you lose in battle, dies for good. No respawns after the battle, just gone.
For once in a strategy game, you could not win any battle by playing the scapegoat card. No being able to sacrifice one of your soldiers for the sake of overall victory. And the great thing about Fire Emblem games is that they are very story driven, and there are certain things that happen plot-wise that can only be triggered by specific interactions. Like say your on a map where there is a 3rd party ally, who is a hella cool thief or something, and you want him on your team, the only way you can get him is to have a certain character already in your party talk to him during the fight. Which you can't do if you lost that character earlier in the game. The stakes are so much higher than any other game, and you really have to think through your next moves if you don't wanna lose any of your units throughout the battle.
I've heard that this game gets quite hard, and there is actually an option of choosing between Casual Mode -- where anyone who dies comes back at the end of the battle -- and Classic Mode. And guess who stupidly choose Classic Mode. This idiot *points to self*. I really don't want any of my precious bb characters to die, so whenever someone does die, no matter how insignificant seem to the major plot arc, I can't stand continue the game without them, so I just restart the whole battle. Countless times. Until I win without anyone dying.
Yeah, I'm a bit of a control freak....
I may not have spent the day writing (and subtly distracted you from that fact by talking about videogames) but I did have fun and enjoy myself, so I guess that's all that matters (???)
Blogging is getting fun, and who knows tomorrow I might be in the mood to do a proper post, maybe even a book review? *shrugs* idk, but you can definitely expect something tomorrow.
--Karin Novelia, Battle Grinding Her Way To Victory!


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